Wednesday, March 19, 2014


F-I-N-A-L-L-Y we are back on line!
SATURDAY 1.2.2014: In June 1893 three Irishmen, Paddy Hannan, Tom Flanagan and Dan Shea, on their way to a strike at Mt Youle, stumbled on gold immediately west of Mt Charlotte. Though they soon found in excess of 100 ounces they still had no inkling that the 'richest mile on earth' - The Golden Mile - lay some 3 miles to the south. This was found soon afterward by Sam Pearce and Will Brookman, who pegged the ground that went on to become two of the most profitable mines of all times - The Great Boulder and The Ivanhoe. By 1905 the population had grown to 25,000, with Kalgoorlie-Boulder boasting 6 banks, 3 breweries, 26 hotels, 5 hospitals and hundreds of shops.
Having previously experienced mine tours we decided to venture forth into the tour with a difference - the local brothel! Questa Casa located in infamous Hay Street is the only remaining operational bordello from the gold rush era and is over 100 years old. Entry is via the "starting stalls" (the last in WA), which allows both parties to determine whether or not they are interested. 
Madame Carmel purchased the business 21 years ago. In an ever so eloquent speaking voice Carmel told us of the "old Kal" and the role the brothel had played in history. Absolutely loved the one and a half hours spent at Questa Casa - only a NZ couple and the Leylands so it made for a cosy group. The ladies of the house (there are only 2 now), were holidaying in Perth!

Went in search of "The World's Tallest Bin" which we were advised was situated near the Federal Hotel. Must say the tourist attraction was not quite what we expected!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I hope you see this comment! I am hoping you might give me permission to use the photo you have here of the World's Tallest Bin for a book I am writing. Could you please get in touch with me - my email is aclarke1[at] - Thanks so much! Amy
