Tuesday, December 17, 2013


WED 11.12.2013: Kynan McAllister (Albany Council), pulled up at 8.00am and soon realised it was really a two person undertaking. Did offer to assist, but after looking us up and down he decided he would deal better with the situation unaided. To Kynan’s credit he was able to remove the offending branches in a professional manner that did not incur any further damage. Dog beds, mats, nearly all the contents of the motorhome were placed on the roof to protect it from any falling timbers. Matt returned and pumped up the tyres – we were free to exit. Cannot express our gratitude enough to both Matt and Kynan for not only the assistance provided, but the manner in which it was given – very much appreciated and in the true spirit of Christmas.
Drove to Albany to secure phone and internet reception and spent the morning contacting the insurance company and repairers. An enormous bouquet to CIL Insurance for the no fuss way in which the claim was handled and to Albany Caravan & RV Centre, who not only repaired the damage, but did so the same day.
The repair is a temporary measure that enables us to continue travelling. If you E-V-E-R need repairs to your caravan and you are in the Albany area contact Alan Griffiths. ‘Poodle Palace’ will need repairs once we return home so we rang Damo at Watson’s Caravans Coffs Harbour. 
“H-E-L-L-O, it’s the Peel/Turner Motorhome......" We believe Damo may well be on stress leave!

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