Wednesday, January 22, 2014


FRIDAY 17 - SATURDAY 18.1.2014: In our infinite stupidity we determined that we would spend the day driving to Augusta to visit Jewel Cave and Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse. The concept of visiting the area in one day made sense, BUT the one minor hiccup was the fact that both activities required the climbing and descending of a total of 850 stairs (500 at the Jewel Cave/350 at the Lighthouse) - but who was counting!
Jewel Cave is WA's largest tourist cave and boasts intricate formations and beautiful 'decorations' in its enormous chambers. It is home to a frozen waterfall and one of the world's longest straw stalactites.


The historic 116 year old Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse is the tallest on mainland Australia and sits on the tip of a spectacular peninsula where the Indian and Southern Oceans meet. The lighthouse guards one of the world's most dangerous shipping lanes. Built in 1896 the lighthouse tower stands 56 metres above sea level, with the original mechanics rotating the light still in operation.

Although somewhat fatigued, one mustered the strength to visit the Christmas in Karridale shop - surprise!

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