Wednesday, January 1, 2014


MONDAY 30 - TUESDAY 31.12.2013: Vern (Caravan Park Manager), offered to take us to see an old church that was tucked away amongst the tall trees - if you did not know of its existence you would never find it. Down the dirt track and into the middle of nowhere and we arrive at the church. All the bush fires that have been through the area did not touch the church and it is only in recent times that the area has been cleared. Only real enhancement has been the replacement of the shingle roof with galvanized iron.
St. Mark Anglican Church
Upper Warren
Built by the families
For school, Social Centre and Church
Builder - Jack Haines
We were treated to a family of wild emus 'puddling' through the park feeding as they went. It is hoped that Eno (the resident emu), will one day attach himself to one of the 'families' as they pass through. SO not going to happen - Eno welcomes in every 'incoming' caravan, solicits pats from anyone that is interested and generally entertains himself with camp site activities! Just cannot see Eno in the great wilderness of Quinninup.
Pam and Vern (Park Managers), kindly organised a New Year's gathering for those in the park. We each took a plate and spent an enjoyable evening meeting fellow travellers. We had the option of 'kicking on' at the Quinninup Tavern where they were having a sarong and thong theme night, plus a live band. Had the thongs, but forgot to pack the sarong - truth is the Leyland sisters do not 'kick on' like they used to! Saw the New Year in and promptly went to sleep!

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