Tuesday, July 5, 2016


SATURDAY 2.07.2016: Spent most of the evening taking it in turns to take one or the other, or at times, both dogs out for toileting. REALLY good in a free camp, in pyjamas, in the COLD! Not happy campers - add to that the minor detail that we planned to rise at 6.00 am to try our hand at the local markets!
Sybil has been slowly putting together dog merchandise for sale at small local markets. Helen (Carole's sister), suggested we take the stock on the road with us in case the opportunity arose to supplement our income! Fortunately for us Nobby was having their markets today and we were able to secure a table. Locals were very welcoming and friendly, hall was beautiful, but bitterly cold and for our first "on the road" outing we did really well. Peacock Sybil was afforded a 24 hour period of strutting! 

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