Sunday, July 31, 2016


SAT 30 - SUN 31.07.2016: Need to make mention of a couple that we met at Lightning Ridge. Sat at the same table for lunch and started talking . The couple had been visiting 'The Ridge' for 18 years and finally made a permanent move 8 years ago. They related a priceless story - one of the miners had passed away and the mining fraternity attended the funeral. All were gathered round the graveside and the mourners (miners), starting scuffing the ground with their feet - yes, looking for opal. Then came the time to throw their handful of dirt onto the coffin, again, each person examined their handful searching for opal before throwing it onto their mate!
Meanwhile, back at Collarenebri, we were finally leaving the camp (midday exit, no need to rush), and the football field opposite started to buzz with overlay, microphone testing and incoming cars. As we exited we wished the 'gatekeeper' all the best and he replied that today they were hosting a Junior Male, Female and Seniors football game. Mainly an indigenous community supporting the day, with a very positive anticipation of the day's activities. Next stop Telleraga Rest Area, 50kms west of Moree. Have to say that since our first emu sighting we have been fortunate enough to see our feathered friends every day since.

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