Saturday, July 6, 2013


SATURDAY 29.6.2013: Reluctantly left Morven conceding that we are actually destined for Western Australia and that we were only joking when we said that it would probably take us 10 years! Called into Augathella with a view to having lunch. Saturday afternoon in Augathella is not their peak time - evident were the caravans and motorhomes stopping for lunch, but alas their was not a soul in town.  ALL the shops were closed! Walked the ghost streets and took photos of the murals, wrought iron sculptures and the B-I-G Meat Ant. Quietly returned to the motorhome and exited the town.
As scavengers meat ants play an important role in the environment by recycling nutrients. In the 1960's Augathella were known for their Mighty Meat Ants Rugby League Team. We stayed at the North Augathella Rest Area overnight and were entertained by the local kangaroos - excellent seeing the animals in their natural habitat. Having said that there has also been a considerable amount of road kill.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I was wondering if I could use one of your photos in a social media photo slideshow, for the ABC? You would be credited as the photographer. Thanks, Jane, ABC Open
