Wednesday, August 28, 2013


SUNDAY 25 - MONDAY 26.08.2013: WE DID IT - 215.4 kms in one day - oh the feeling of sheer triumph! Stayed at the Mary Pool (Mary River) Rest Area 108 km west of Halls Creek and revived after such a long haul. No sooner pulled in than a charter helicopter landed, the tour bus stopped for afternoon tea, the Kimberley Mobile Dental Bus arrived and one final look out the window revealed a little touch of 'wild life' - never boring!



1 comment:

  1. Wow! Wow! Wow! You DID actually do it!! I am very proud of you both. Ron and I drove over 800klms to Lightning Ridge in a day and then back again a week later, also in a day. 10 hours both trips - plenty of stops tho for puplets, gas and sustenance, oh and a flat tyre on the way home. We loved it also and intend to go out again next winter and stay longer. Gail (Joan Collins) sends her love and best wishes. Wasn't her home just fantastic? It was actually very cold while we were there as there were big snow falls down south (good for skiing). We had
    jackets on every day except one - temps below zero in the early morning. The "winter residents" blamed us for bringing it with us. Love reading the Blog and wish I was tagging along behind. Lots of love.....stay safe. Nanette
